The clinic coaches provided a nice packet of strategic and tactical insights, which makes good reading while recuperating. Highlights are...
- Sailing is "about what we are about to have." You must always look and think ahead, to anticipate changes making decisions at the right time. Act rather than react.
- Avoid laylines and keep your options open until the final moment. Laylines are for the most part "forbidden zones." Once on a layline all options cease. Any change in the wind you can not take advantage of. Any competitor approaching is in control of the tactical decision.
- Stay away from packs downwind. Packs of boats can only go as fast as the slowest boats in the pack. As the speedy boats move ahead the slower boats cover those in front holding them back. Stay clear and avoid these crowds.
- When covering think about the next shift. The next coming shift determines where you position your boat relative to the boat (or pack) you are covering.
- The race is not over until you cross the finish line. Never give up. For every good decision or bad decision made there is always another one to follow, so keep putting your past decisions behind you and keep concentrating on the upcoming opportunity until they are all exhausted.
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