Thirteen teams set out in two flights of round robin with the top four movin' on to the semi finals. Unfortunately our team fell a bit short of the semi's, but for their first time out they made a solid showing. Lessons learned were many, this is the short list:
• When you’re in first place make sure you stay in touch, so you can help when necessary
• When being covered upwind, try and find one of their team to cover so you occupy two of their guys.
• Always approach the weather mark from starboard
• When engaging in a potential protest yell “Umpire” to get their attention so when the situation occurs the Umpires will be watching. Especially port starboard situations. Then say protest once you have the Umpire’s attention. The umpire then will respond if the word “protest” was used.
• When on starboard and a port tacker is crossing, you have to clip the other boat to prove they were crossing too closely. No contact may leave room or the Umpires to interpret the cross as “ok;” however, remember no injury or damage.”
• Waiting at 30-45 seconds on the start, make sure you don’t wait where you are a potential barger.
• When the leader says tack, think first, then tack, because a couple times our guys tacked into worse situations than they were in when the team leader suggested a tack out.
• When crossing on port you must be certain you can cross, if not, the risk is too great that you’ll get flagged for a port starboard. “If it’s a maybe, make it a no.”
• Don’t ask your team mate if they need help. Just help. You don’t have to ask.
• Stick to the plan. Listen to the leader… confirm with the leader, or ask what to do next. And, pass along the information so everyone has the same plan. Also, if the plan has to change, only change when everyone understands.
• Never approach the starting line on port. Too difficult and risky. Starboard competitors will attack.
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